Super Mario World Level Editor Mac

This is an open source SM64 level editor that is made for modern operating systems called Quad64. It is written in C# and uses Windows forms for the GUI and OpenTK for the 3D rendering.
* Edit the positions and properties of objects like Stars, Platforms, Enemies, etc.
* Edit Warps, Painting Warps, and Instant Warps.
* You can view and edit up to 8 areas (starting with area 0) in a level.
The main focus of Quad64 is to be like Skelux's Toad's Tool 64, but with better ROM compatibility.
* Both the vanilla 8MB ROM & extended ROMs (including ROM hacks) can be modified using this tool**
* You can modify any of the 4 major regional versions of SM64, which includes the North American, European, Japanese, and Japanese Shindou edition ROMs
* You can load and save ROM files as big endian(.z64), middle endian(.v64), or little endian(.n64)
* Supports most of the N64 texture formats: RGBA16, RGBA32, IA16, IA8, IA4, I8, and I4.
** Note: Macro & Special objects are not editable with the vanilla 8MB ROM, since they are MIO0 compressed. You can use queueRAM's sm64extend tool to extend any vanilla ROM file, which will let you edit these objects.
Latest changelog:
Version 0.2 (As of Beta-Build 3):
* Added the Texture Editor window (Level -> Textures)
- You can extract any texture in the current level and replace any non-CI textures and sky background in extended ROMs
- CI textures cannot be modified in this release (will probably come in a later version)
- You can set the sky background to be either a solid RGBA16 color or a texture if its avaliable
- You can modify textures that are not in TT64 like the HUD, text, warp transition, water boxes, etc
* Added Script Dumps window (Misc -> Script Dumps)
* You can now select multiple objects to move around and modify
- Hold down 'Ctrl' and click to toggle an object
- Hold down 'Shift' in the treeView and click to select a range of objects
* Added WASD movement controls in the view window
- Only works when the camera mode is set to 'Fly'.
* CI texture colors will now show up properly in the viewer
* Added a new menu to select behavior for an object (Edit -> Behavior)
* Added a new menu to edit warps (Edit -> Warp)
* You can now change the names of object combos (Edit -> Object Combo Name)
* Added a filter box in the select item window. (Idea from aglab2, but I used a simpler approach)
* Texture parsing should be a lot faster now
* Saving the ROM should no longer overwrite the entire file, but only the changes you made. (Thanks aglab2!)
* Added more camera modes (Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back)
* Many bug fixes
sm64extend GUI:
If you want to be able to modify Macro & Special objects, then you will need to use an uncompressed extended ROM. I've made a simple graphical user interface for queueRAM's sm64extend program.
This simple little tool will expand your ROM to the size you want and uncompress all of the MIO0 data.
Improvements over VL-Tone's original SM64 extender:
* Works with the European, Japanese, and Japanese (Shindou Edition) ROMs
* Properly aligns the data blocks, so the extended ROMs should fully work on real N64 hardware.
* Creates an extended ROM in less than a second.
Download Links:
Quad64 Releases: [Github]
sm64extend GUI: [Download]
  1. Super Mario World Level Editor Mac
  2. Super Mario Level Editor Download
  3. Super Mario World Editor Download
  4. Super Mario World Editor

Mario level editor social advice Mac users interested in Mario level editor generally download: Reggie 3.0 Free Reggie! Is an easy-to-use and full-featured level editor for New Super Mario Bros.

  1. Lunar Magic is a level editor I created for Super Mario World (SNES). During its 19 year span of being the only level editor available for this classic game, it's inspired the creation of countless modifications of SMW by fans and casual players alike.
  2. This tool allows for the easy customization of over 100 miscellaneous properties of the Super Mario World ROM. It's an easy-to-use program with a GUI, and allows you to edit anything from the speed of Bullet Bills, to how many points you get when collecting a 3-UP moon, to what sprite is spawned when you bring a P-switch to the goal, and much.

How to play

Use arrows [↑→↓←] or W-A-S-D keys to move Mario, to jump higher hold the button.
Use Shift/CTRL to Fire/Sprint. Use P to pause and M to mute.

You can play continuously or select a level out of 32 any time you want.
There is also an option to generate a random map. It's an infinite fun!


In this game you are playing the role of the Mario. You are going through the Mushroom Kingdom, surviving the forces of the antagonist Bowser, and saving Princess Toadstool. Mario should reach the flag pole at the end of each level to win the game.

Super Mario World Level Editor Mac

There is a lot of coins scattered around for Mario to collect and special bricks marked with a question mark, which may reveal more coins or a special item when Mario hits them. Other bricks may also contain some coins or rare items so if you have enough time, try to hit them as well. If Mario eats a Super Mushroom , he becomes a Super Mario — he grows to double his size and gains the ability to break bricks above him. If he gets hit in this mode he will turn back to regular Mario instead of dying. If Mario eats a Fire Flower , he becomes a Fire Mario — in this form, Mario gains the ability to throw bouncing fireballs from his hands. If Mario touches a bouncing Super Star (a rare power-up), he turns into Star Mario. In this form Mario is invulnerable to nearly everything and he can kill enemies with a simple touch. This is a temporary form so use your newly obtained powers quickly!


You can read more about the gameplay here.


I like this 1 to 1 creation of super mario bros, amazing work! (ps please reduce amount of cheep cheeps on level 2-3)
Amazing....My childhood favorite Game...
Kimmeynick, If only u get the mushroom and the fireflower u turn to a fire mario. Only then can u press shift and shoot fireballs. I suggest turning off sticking becuz it might ruin ur game :)

Super Mario Level Editor Download

Randaom, they cant change it because if the did, this won't be original.

Super Mario World Editor Download

Curious man, I finished the level 8-4 somehow and the REAL Princess come and says something like: Thank you mario. Your task (or job or idk) is done. Press Button A or B to choose a world. So it seems at the end there is the same ending as NES because i pressed A and B and nothing happened

Super Mario World Editor

What happens when you beat 8-4? Does it have an end?
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