Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2007 Missing

Ed has three computers at work. One has Excel 2010 with the Date Picker tool but the other two, one with Excel 2010 and one with Excel 2013, do not have this tool available. He wonders how he can load this tool into Excel 2010 and Excel 2013.

As far as I know, MSCOMCT2.OCX works only on 32-bit systems, so if you are using a 64-bit version of Office, then you won't be able to install the control. If you are running 32-bit version of Excel, generally we could take the steps you have mentioned in your thread to register the calendar control in your system. Dec 30, 2016 Microsoft Date and Time Picker is not available in Excel 2016 under the Developer tab then 'More Tools'. The PC is Windows 10 64 bit running Office 365, 2016, 32 bit. I installed ' Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls' and registered 'mscomct2.ocx'.

According to reports from Microsoft, the traditional date picker tool (called MSCAL.OCX) was shipped with Office 2007, but is not included in later versions of Office. In Office 2010 they have replaced the date picker with an updated version in the Active-X library, called MSCOMCT2.OCX.

You can tell if you already have the new date picker installed by following these steps:

  1. Display the Developer tab of the ribbon.
  2. Click the Insert tool. Excel displays a palette of tools you can insert in your worksheet.
  3. In the ActiveX Controls section of the palette, click the More Controls option. (It is the very bottom-right tool.) Excel displays the More Controls dialog box.
  4. Scroll through the dialog box until you find the Microsoft Date and Time Picker tool. Select it.
  5. Click OK.

If the tool doesn't show up in the More Controls dialog box, then it has not been installed on your system. If you are using a 64-bit version of Office, then you won't be able to install the control. The reason is because MSCOMCT2.OCX works only on 32-bit systems. (In fact, none of the ActiveX controls work in 64-bit Office. When Microsoft actually comes out with versions of the controls that do work with 64-bit Office, they will likely have different names, a move sure to complicate the life of VBA programmers who rely on the controls.

If you are running a 32-bit version of Office, then you can try to copy the MSCOMCT2.OCX control from a like system and register it with Windows. (Before copying it, do a Windows search to see if the file is actually on your system. If it is, skip copying and just try to register it.)

How you register the control depends on the version of Windows you are using and whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the operating system. (Don't confuse the number of bits in the operating system with the number of bits in your copy of Office; they are two different things.) A good overview of how to register the control can be found here:

6.0Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2007 Missing


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Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2007 Missing Sheet Tabs

I placed Monthview ActiveX control on excel Sheet. I want this control to be appeared when user click at any cell in column 4. To show this control in right position I wrote such code:

An active is Row number 1 or 2.
If I place Monthview1.visible=true on the 1-st place is appears double such Montview controls….why? It is looks like Excel doesn’t Repaint th sheet. But if I put such row Monthview1.visible=true on the 2-st place everything is good but I saw the “transference” on this control……..and it is not a good view.
How can I do it right?